Saving Souls & Keeping Souls Saved
From Our Sr. Minister/Elder
We Love Visitors!

About Us
God Loves You and So Do We!

See You Soon
(online & public assembly unless noted)
8:00 AM Worship
10:00 AM Bible School for all (public only)
11:00 AM Worship (public only)
5:00 PM Worship
10:00 AM Adult Bible Study (public only)
7:00 PM Bible Study for all (public only)
* Worship times are subject to change, please see our event page for the most up-to-date information.
Who We Are
We are a congregation of the churches of Christ established by Jesus Christ in A.D. 33. Our mission is to save souls and help souls stay saved.
The Evangelism Ministry works together in love helping the congregation fulfill the great commission of saving souls and helping souls stay saved.
Read MoreBible Correspondence
The Bible Correspondence and the Television Program Ministries are tools used to aid in the Evangelism Ministry.
Read MoreBaptism
The Baptism Ministry is to assist the Evangelism Ministry with love and care in preparing prospects to dress for their baptism.
Read MoreWorship
The Worship Ministry works with the leadership helping to train, organize, and assign workers to carry out the worship services and special events.
Read MoreHospitality
The Hospitality Ministry works with the Worship Ministry to ensure members have been trained on how to greet members and visitors as they enter the building to attend Church-related events.
Read MoreEducation
The Education Ministry helps the congregation fulfill its mission of saving souls and helping souls stay saved by planning, organizing, and teaching classes and workshops.
Read MoreBenevolence
The Benevolence Ministry collects, organizes, and distributes food, clothing, furniture, and other items that will assist the needy and help care for the sick. This ministry also oversees funeral repast services.
Read MoreZone Care/ Small Group
The Membership Zone Care/Small Group Ministry helps to organize the members of the congregation into small groups to make it easier to care for one another spiritual and physical needs.
Read MoreMusic
The Music Ministry works with the congregation and various singing groups in providing songs that will edify the Church.
Read MoreSpecial Programs
The Special Programs Ministry helps the Church and all ministries plan, coordinate, and execute programs that will help the Church accomplish its mission of saving souls and helping souls stay saved.
Read MoreYouth
The Youth Ministry provides spiritual, social, and physical activities for all of the youth of the congregation helping them to help fulfill the mission of the Church: saving souls and helping them stay saved.
Read MoreLadies at Work (L.A.W.)
The Ladies At Work Ministry (L.A.W.) brings the ladies of the congregation together in Bible Classes, seminars, meetings, and activities to learn how to be better women of God, better wives, and better mothers.
Read MoreNew Man
The New Man Ministry brings men of the congregation together in a loving, caring atmosphere; teaching them to become better men, husbands, and fathers.
Read MoreFamily Life
The Family Life Ministry works with the leadership to provide educational and recreational classes and activities that will help families grow in Christ together.
Read MoreSenior Adult Ministry
The Senior Adult Ministry (known as S.T.A.R.S) unites the many Senior Citizens of our congregation and empower them through their experience, knowledge, and wisdom to do a greater work for the Lord.
Read MoreSingle Adult Ministry
The ministry provides a variety of Christ-focused activities that all Singles in the Church through evangelism training, discussions, Bible studies, and more.
Read MoreFamily Counseling
The Family Counseling Ministry serves the many counseling needs of the members of the congregation as well as non-members.
Read MoreAdult Recreation
The Adult Recreation Ministry is to combine bodily exercise and godliness through various recreational activities for adult members of the Church to live what they have learned at worship and in Bible classes.
Read MoreMarriage Enrichment
The Marriage Enrichment Ministry is to help young married couples (10 years or less) view marriage as God views marriage. They are taught how marriage is a tool to save souls and help souls stay saved.
Read MoreHealth and Safety
The Health and Safety Ministry is to assist members of the Church and community with taking care of their physical health by sharing information and sponsoring health fairs as a means of education and information sharing.
Read MoreMedia
The Media Ministry is to capture all worship services and special programs on audio, DVD, and video and to edit, duplicate, and make tapes ready for members, the general public and prepare tapes for the Let the Bible Speak TV Program.
Read MoreMission
The Mission Ministry is to help spread the good news to foreign places as well as at home and providing aide as best we can to struggling congregations at home and abroad that are striving to grow.
Read MorePrison
The Prison Ministry is to minister and help members of the congregation and their families who are incarcerated in any way possible.
Read MoreFaith Based Outreach
The Northside Community Involvement, Inc. (NCI) is the faith-based community outreach ministry of the church. It is purposed to reach more souls by helping to improve people’s lives and improve the community.
Read MoreFinance
The Finance Ministry collects and keeps an account of all finances collected by the Church and its various ministries. This ministry is to make sure all money is disbursed and accounted for according to normal accounting practices.
Read MoreBuilding/Grounds Maintenance
The Building/Grounds Maintenance Ministry maintains all buildings, grounds, and Church properties inside and outside. They help set up for various Church events and secure all properties.
Read MoreTransportation
The Transportation Ministry provides transportation to members and non-members who need assistance to and from worship services and other Church-related activities.
Read MoreCulinary
The Culinary Ministry plans and prepares all meals and refreshments for the Church and special events. They keep an inventory of all culinary equipment and supplies.
Read MoreBeautification/Decoration
The Beautification/Decoration Ministry decorates and beautifies the buildings, grounds for special events and maintains the bulletin boards.
Read MoreYouth Summer Camp
It is a safe and economically friendly place to enroll your children (ages 4-13) for the summer. They will have a plethora of activities, field trips, and educational fun during the entire summer.
Read MoreNorthside has a plethora of ministries in hopes that every member finds themselves comfortable in participating in the work of the Lord.
Community Outreach
Making A Difference In Our Community
Read More About NCI
NCI's Mission
The primary pillars of NCI, Inc. are educational services, human & social services, and community-related services. NCI’s sole focus is to help create a community that produces and nourishes successful individuals from all walks of life.
Who We Are
We are a congregation of the churches of Christ established by Jesus Christ in A.D. 33. Our mission is to save souls and help souls stay saved. Welcome to the Northside Church of Christ. With this in mind, we take evangelism very seriously. It is the core of everything we do (Matthew 28:19-20). We are a New Testament church and our plea is that we all might be one. We seek to carry out this plea by believing and teaching the inspired word of God and expressing 1 John 4:7.